I had to get out of the house, so I make 2 quick trips tonight. First I went to Albertson's to pick up some more FREE items! I was able to get 2 more kids shampoo for FREE using the $ 1.00 off internet coupon (then Albertson's doubled it, so I made .1 OVERAGE off each one, 1 FREE bag of rice cakes (used manufactured $ 1.00 off coupon/Albertson's doubled, so I made .01 OVERAGE, 2 bottles of shaving cream clearanced to .57 each, they would have been .02 each, but but because I made .03 OVERAGE on the other items, I ended up only paying .01 TOTAL for both of them! (I used 2 .55 off manufactured coupons-no doubling needed) and 1 box of YO Plus yogurt, for .50 (used $ 1.00 off manufactured coupon/Albertson's doubled). Then I went to Wal Mart and picked up my FREE bottle of Suave body wash (my coupon came in the mail today! I had to sign up online last month for it) & 10 packages of Kotex for FREE (used $ 1.00 off manufactured coupon)
I only paid .51 + tax for all this! Everything was FREE except the .50 yogurt and .01 shaving creams!
Total Spent= $ 1.56 (I hate tax!)
Total Savings= $ 28.36
You are such a good shopper! I am enjoying your posts. The lady at my Albies said that I had to buy another shampoo to use the coupons since they exceeded the purchase price. Since I don't know enough about coupons yet I didn't know what to say. So I got 3 shampoos for $2 (about 67 cents each). I went back and found a 2 for $5 deal on the same shampoo so that day I got them each for 50 cents - I would like them free, but even 60 cents is way cheap for shampoo. Maybe I'll try again on Monday and see if I can get them for free. Keep up the great shopping!
ReplyDeleteWill you reinvite me to your blog? Thank you!
Great job going to Albertson's! Sorry that you didn't get it for free, darn. If it happens again, ask if they will just deduct the 1.99/not $2.00 (it's worth a try. it happened to some other girls from the blog and the cashier just adjusted it for them so they could still get it free. It's worth asking about next time) .60-.67 cents is GREAT for shampoo. Just keep watching the posts. you'll get it! Are you watching www.krazycouponlady.blogspot.com, too? I help on that site and it is AWESOME. Watch that one daily and you'll be set! just start collecting your coupons! (either subscribe for multiple papers, or go to your nearest gas station and buy a bunch. Do you still have my phone # ? We should just talk so I can fill you in. E mail me you #, and I'll call you, it's better than typing, and I MISS you anyway! emilyntravis@yahoo.com