Today was my first day out in a few days (I've been sick with some sort of bizarre flu. My doctor thinks it affected the nerves on my right side which caused a bunch of weird/scary side effects which almost landed us in the hospital, but I'm starting to feel better, just super weak/achy. NOT FUN. )
Anyway, I made a few stops because the guilt of not getting anything for Valentines day was eating at me, so the kids and I picked up some Valentine treats, balloons & pizza for Daddy to have when he gets off work tonight. (And we're decorating cookies and writing love notes)
I had to pick up some more easy meals at Albertson's, because lately, making food has just hasn't been working out. The Marie calendar's are really yummy and $ 1.20 sounds fine to me. They are apart of the spend $ 25.00/get $ 10.00 back deal.
Total Spent= $ 26.50 (got $ 10.00 catalina)
Total Savings= $ 36.77

Every holiday, the kids pick out an obsene amount of junk food for their Father, and since I had a ton of RR's at Walgreens, I let them pick out the treats there. I also found my other Progresso soup coupon which made it .15
Total Spent= .53 (used $ 5.00 RR)
Total Savings= $ $ 6.84

I got a rain check for the chicken that was $ 4.99 at Albertson's last week, because I knew I would be getting a $10.00 RR on my other deals and I thought chicken wouldbe great to get using my "free money" I picked up 2 bags and some lunch meat
Total Spent=$ 1.63 (after $ 10.00 catalina)
Total Savings=$ 19.00
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