Here we go again! Albertson's is doubling coupons again, which is wonderful and exhausting at the same time! Here is 12 transactions (from different stores at different times of the day. No, I don't clear the shelves or tie up the lines for an hour, I travel around and leave stuff for others!):
3- Edge shaving cream = FREE
6- boxes of graham crackers = .64 each
6- bags of marshmallows= .64 each
6- 6 pack hershey candy bars= .64 each
1- bubble= .40 (filler item)
4- toothpaste= FREE
7- Skintimate shaving cream = FREE
8- Frenches mustard= FREE
1- Kraft salad dressing = FREE
14- Sweet baby rays bbq sauce= FREE
Total spent+ $ 13.16 (includes tax)
Total savings= $ 162.61
(I'll post all the coupons later, I don't have time right now)
Total Spent= $ 13.16
Total savings= $ 162.61