(Sorry about the picture) Today was a great day for FREE things! I picked up 8 things of Dove deodorant on sale for 1.99 at Walgreens (using the in store ad and 4 of my $ 1.50 off 2 coupons, My total was $ 9.92 AND I got a $ 10.00 RR!)
Total Spent= .88 (Tax & after $ 10.00 catalina)
Total Savings= $ 15.04

I made $ 1.76 overage on everything here! I used 10 $ 1.00 off Kotex coupons, 6 Huggies $ 1.00 off coupons & 2 $ 3.00 off printable Splenda coupons!
Total spent= 0 (.45 overage after tax)
Total Savings= $ 22.00

I picked up 16 boxes of popcorn today at Albertson for $ 2.96! There is a deal going when you buy 1 @ 2.99, you get 3 FREE, so long story short, I had the 4 coupons from the store & 4 manufactured $ 1.00 off 2 coupons. Then a $ 5.00 catalina printed for my next purchase!
Total Spent= $ 4.40 (with tax & after 5.00 catalina)
Total Savings= $ 39.88

I really needed chicken, so I bought 3 packages & 9 bottles of BBQ sauce. At Albertsons, when you buy 3 participating items, you get $ 3.00 off chicken, so I really only spent over a dollar a package for the chicken! (The BBQ was marked up @ $ 1.25, but still a good deal)
Total Spent= $ 16.28 (with tax)
Total savings= $ 33.20

I am donating these glucose monitering systems to the nursing home near my house. A up to $ 20.00 off coupon just came out in sunday's paper, making them FREE!
Total Spent= $ 1.80 (tax)
Total Savings= $ 39.98