(This was done in 10 transactions this morning at Albertson's & 1 @ Fred Meyer)
16 boxes of cereal (part of the spend $30/get $15 back deal)= .44 (after factoring in $ 15.00 back + using 5 $1/3 manufactured coupons & 3 double coupons)
5- Dannon smoothies = FREE + $ 1.50 overage (used 5 manufactured & double coupons- overage went towards other items)
8- Birds Eye Steamer veggies= .30 each (used 8 .35 manufactured & double coupons)
3- Yoplait delights yogurt = .49 each (used 3 $1.00 off manufactured & double coupons)
$ 15.00 FREE chicken (used $ 15.00 in catalina's)
2 - Dayquil= .36 each (clearanced to 2.99-used $ 1.00 off manufacturd & double coupon & .63 overage applied from Dannon smoothies & Tylenol)
2- Tylenol= FREE + .13 Overage (clearanced to $ 1.87- used $ 1.00 off manufactured & double coupon- overage applied to Dayquil)
6- Nestle cookies = .50 each (used $ 1.00 off manufactured & double coupon)
2- Mr. Potato heads = .49 each @ Fred Meyer (on sale for $ 10.99 & they are B1G1 FREE- & I used 2 $ 5.00 off printable coupons)
Total Spent= $ 20.15
Total Savings= $ 201.98